Bits of Sweetness: Books of Memories

Books of Memories

I have a confession. I have never made a photobook for our family or our kids. It's pretty wild if you think about the fact that I am a professional photographer. I have tons of great photos of them to choose from! (Maybe that's partly the problem!) I have started to make photobooks a zillion times (or something like that) and each and every time, I either can't decide or I get distracted. (Lame excuses, I know, but it's true!!)

Enter in Shutterfly's new "Make Your Book design service. It's a great idea! You submit 60 (or more) photos to them, choose your design, tell a little bit about your story and voila! Their design team works their magic creating a gorgeous, unique photo book and sends it back for you to approve for order. It is just an additional $9.99 to have their designers provide this time-saving service.

We recently went to the zoo. We don't get family days often with Josh's work schedule and the boy's school schedules, so when we have the chance, especially on a day where it won't be packed and too hot, we snag it like no other!

The photobook came this week!! The kids were thrilled to look at it!

I'm thrilled to have some of our favorite memories preserved. Our kids are pretty tickled to have their favorite animals saved in the pages (that happen to be luxuriously thick!). Each of them had picked out a favorite animal before we went to the zoo and it is pretty cute to hear them so elated to see the animals in the photobook. "Their" animals. If you've been needing a photobook made, consider adding Shutterfly's "Make My Book" to your list! The kids have already read this over and over, taking turns with who reads it next. I'm so happy to see how much they are enjoying it! It's one that will go on our shelves for us all to enjoy again and again!

What are your favorite memories to save in a photobook? Have you ever heard of the new Make my Book from Shutterfly? You can head here to find out more about this exciting design service and see what beautiful styles they have! I'm already dreaming up our next book!

#Shutterfly #MakeMyBook #photobook #blogger #bitsofsweetness #Photobook #designerphotobook

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